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A game where you look over a virtual tomato and give him whatever he's hungry for

A game where you look over a virtual tomato and give him whatever he's hungry for

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What is Mr.TomatoS

Mr.TomatoS is a puzzle game centered around feeding a talking tomato while horror-based elements are slowly introduced. At first glance, Mr.TomatoS seems like a throwback to the old days of flash-based web games. The game's art even looks like something created in MS paint.

The player is initially presented with a light and easy atmosphere. One simply interacts with a talking tomato, Mr.TomatoS, in his kitchen. Mr.TomatoS will periodically ask the player to feed him specific things.

Sometimes Mr.TomatoS will make a simple request that just requires the player to click on a single ingredient or completed meal. For example, Mr.TomatoS might ask for the french fries sitting on his table. The game is almost entirely controlled with a mouse. Items are picked up by clicking the mouse's left button. And players can drop items by releasing them. Feeding Mr.TomatoS is a simple process of just grabbing food, dragging it to him, and then releasing it. At this point, Mr.TomatoS will eat whatever the player has given him.

But don't be fooled. There's more to feeding Mr.TomatoS than just dragging food over to him. Sometimes the tomato will request more complex meals which need to be prepared. This requires the player to add all of the ingredients into a blender.

The player's score will increase as he feeds Mr.TomatoS the food he requests. But Mr.TomatoS also has an anger meter. If the player gives Mr.TomatoS the wrong food his anger meter will go up. If Mr.TomatoS anger meter reaches ten the game will take on a very different tone. This is technically a game over for the player. But there is a chance to keep playing.

If the player reaches an "anger ending" then everything in the kitchen takes on a more sinister appearance. Mr.TomatoS will taunt the player and demand to be fed some rather gruesome items. If the player is able to satisfy the angered Mr.TomatoS then the gameplay will return to the normal style.

The horror element in the "anger ending" hints that there's a lot more going on in Mr.TomatoS than is initially apparent. And it's true, the game has a surprising amount of secrets, lore, and easter eggs. Much of this is accessed through the clever use of items purchased in the game's store.

Players can spend the points earned by feeding Mr.TomatoS to buy a number of different items. This is where the game's puzzle elements come into play. The player will need to figure out how to use purchased items to defeat rather than help Mr.TomatoS. During this process, a player will typically encounter even more endings than the initial "anger ending". All of these false endings help to flesh out the larger story.


  • Simple but nostalgic art style
  • Fun voice acting
  • A surprisingly deep story that's unlocked through puzzle solving


  • The gameplay elements are often confusing and seldom explained
  • Players who don't know this is a horror game might be unpleasently surprised
  • The game is fairly short